One of the best ways for children to learn is to get hands on. Whether it's inside experimenting with cooking and baking, or different crafts - or outside exploring and learning about different parts of the environment. They learn by seeing how things interact with each other and by touching things and seeing what happens when they do!
Once the learning starts the creativity begins too. What fun it is to see their imagination turn a simple thing like a rock into an Easter egg - then bring on the Easter egg hunt!
Experimenting with Spices
“I need to put the ingredients together”
“Just a little bit of flour, and 5 teaspoons of sugar.”
“Mash them down.”
“Now I am going to make drinks, vanilla and chocolate.”
“I am going to make some cereal.”
“How are you going to make you cereal?”
“I put coconut, oatmeal and ice cream together and cherries.” “There.”
“You can eat it now.”
Through play children make sense of the world they live in.
Exploring Rocks
The children looked at a box of rocks...
The rocks are smooth and round.
“I know they could be eggs!” Says one child excitedly.
“This is the Easter Bunny I am the Easter Bunny I am hiding the eggs!”
“Okay let’s go hunt for the eggs.” The children take buckets and go hunting for their eggs.
Play is the most interesting way of children experimenting and expressing their ideas, feelings, and their use of vocabulary is amazing!
Tags: baking, children, children learning, cooking, Experimenting, experimenting with spices, exploring rocks, imagination, outdoor play